IO1: National the State of Art Reports related to Socio Emotional Learning (SEL) development
The documents prepared by 5 different EU countries partners‘ institutions will be detailed analysis of National situation in socio-emotional learning (SEL) development. It will include information such us:
- Definition of SEL and SEL competences and domains;
- Understanding of SEL in different countries;
- National laws and national strategy related with SEL development;
- How SEL is organized at national level in primary education;
- Schools’ principles, rules, strategical aims related to SEL;
- Good practices and ongoing national and international projects, resources, initiatives related to SEL;
- Publications in national and international level; Institutions, researchers or groups involved in SEL development;
- Insitutions, researchers or groups involved in SEL’s development.
National Reports and International Report on Socio-emotional capacity building in primary education in partners countries could be downloaded from here:
International Report >>
National Reports:
Lithuanian National Report >>
Bulgarian National Report >>
Italian National Report >>
Portuguese National Report >>
Greek National Report >>